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Friday 9 December 2011


Pureon. The Purity Pokemon.

Pureon evolves from Eevee when it is exposed to a Sun Stone. It is one of the many final forms of Eevee.

Pureon is a pure Light Pokemon, meaning it is weak to Ghost and Grass attacks.

Pureon is overall a golden colour. However, it's body tells a story. It's fur is murkier and rougher, even with spikes around its face, at its front and feet; but as you move across its body it becomes smoother and shinier, until it becomes a silky golden coat that ends in a delicate tail, with a softness to rival Wigglytuff's. This represents Pureon's ability to purify anything that is bathed in its light for long enough, including the mind's of restless trainers. The ribbons around Pureon's body have beads of light traversing them, back and forth, showing this ability working. In battle, the ribbon's glow intensify.

Pureon's greatest stat is Defense, a trait it shares with Leafeon. However, where Leafeon next excels is in Attack; whereas Pureon is more of a Special Attacker. It is also important to note that Pureon's Clear Body ability allows it to use Sheet Lightning effectively, as it will be immune to the loss of accuracy it causes, as it normally affects all Pokemon on the field.

With the discovery of Pureon, there are now 8 eeveelutions, each one representing a type that was denoted "Special" in the first 3 generations. (Light would have been a special type, rather than physical). The only remaining special type would be a Dragon eeveelution.

Pureon's moveset also follows that of the eeveelutions, but it uses Flash over Sand Attack and Light Dash over Quick Attack.

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